
贴在 2021年5月26日星期三 | IAB英国

Catch up on the key takeouts from our second 数字信任论坛, 演讲者包括Facebook, 亚马逊的广告, TikTok, b谷歌和每日电讯报

在第二届数码信任论坛上的演讲, 蒂姆Elkington, IAB英国首席数字官, reflected on what’s been achieved since we gat在这里d for the 就职事件 早在2020年1月. 从一开始 dsn彩乐园网址2.0 to 跨行业开展供应链透明度工作, Elkington said that “we’ve made good progress, but now is not the time to ease off”.  With growing pressure from both consumers and regulators to improve privacy and transparency within the digital advertising ecosystem, “collaborating and committing to tackle these issues together” is the way forward. 以下是我们从这次活动中摘录的五个要点:

1. 隐私 & 个性化并不相互排斥 

这是贯穿若干届会议的中心主题, with Facebook’s Kay Perry saying that “people deserve both [privacy and personalisation]”. She shared research showing that protection of personal data and relevant brand recommendations are both priorities for consumers and getting the balance is key. 同样的道理, Google’s Matt Bush said that the company believes “privacy and ads are not at odds and can co-exist”, detailing how 隐私 Sandbox and machine learning innovations are helping to create new ways of targeting people via “anonymous, 聚合组”. AppsFlyer’s Gal Ekstein summed the privacy/personalisation debate up perfectly when he described solutions that unite accuracy with privacy as “the Holy Grail”. 

2. 敏捷=机会 

从用户ID解决方案到疫情的影响, t在这里 is a lot of change to navigate within our industry and it’s those taking an agile approach that can embrace opportunities. 讨论品牌如何应对疫情, 亚马逊的广告’s Paul Hackwell said that it was those that reacted in real-time and authentically met customers w在这里 they were in the moment that built trusted, 长期的关系. 与此同时 - discussing IDFA changes in the mobile space - Ekstein also focused on the need for agility: “Smart marketers will identify the unique opportunities - the ones that adapt quickly and have the right 工具 for measurement in place might actually find quality users easily and cheaper than before.” 

3. 教育是可行解决方案的关键 

“We need to collectively educate people on the value of personalised advertising and build transparent 工具 that allow them to understand how their data is being used”, 解释佩里. Education is coming to the fore as digital ad players seek to inform consumers about how their data is used and communicate the fundamental value exchange that sits at the heart of the open web. 为了找到可行的解决办法, Bush said that all three parties that make up the open web must be involved in shaping them - users, 出版商和广告商. 教育也是TikTok会议的一个关键主题. 讨论如何保证年轻人的网络安全, TikTok’s Alexandra Evans said that the platform is working with young people to develop digital literacy resources for adults. 

4. 公司正在各自推动变革  

It was interesting to hear how individual companies are taking steps to rebuild trust in digital. The Telegraph’s Anthony Crocker and Samara Hocihara discussed the publisher’s ‘Tone Scoring’ approach, which drives advertisers away from clicks while utilising machine learning to align brands with highly engaged environments. Hybrid Theory’s Hiran Patel also covered how companies should be embedding ‘trust by design’ into the core of the business in order to drive real and tangible change. 与此同时, OpenSlate’s Andrew Smith focused on the role that content targeting is playing in rebuilding trust in digital, allowing advertisers to “support the content and creators that align with [their] values and support the individual's right to privacy”. 

5. 但合作仍然至关重要 

然而, while individual steps are pushing the trust agenda forward, 合作仍然是推动持久发展的关键, 跨行业的变化. Many of the speakers highlighted the need to come together - from Facebook calling for the industry to collaborate on the creation of open 标准, to TikTok describing collaboration as “a critical element” in building trust. IAB Tech Lab’s session was a great example of how collaboration is working in practice, as Jill Wittkopp and Shailley Singh introduced The 透明度 Center. 今年夏天推出, it aims to enhance trust in digital advertising by bringing all data points from across the supply chain together in one place. 总结一下为什么协作在这个领域如此重要, IAB英国’s Tina Lakhani put it perfectly: “Building trust in our industry is something that we all need to be invested in as it’s not something that just affects our industry - it affects us all as individuals.”

观看数字信任论坛的会议 在这里. 该活动由TikTok和Facebook赞助.






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